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Vision, Mission and Objectives


Our Mission

HDI is committed to fostering sustainable economic development, empowerment and independence for vulnerable women and girls in the rural areas.


Our Vision

To create, develop and Integrate communities in which women and girls realize their full potentials.


Core Values

Faith, Humanity, Impartiality and Neutrality, Transparency.

The goals and objectives

  1. To promote basic and holistic transformational development services through agriculture, education, mentorship aimed at reducing “extreme hunger, poverty, illiteracy and injustice.
  2. To promote sound gender equality, human rights, democracy and good governance in the rural communities.
  3. To encourage provision of accessible learning centers for alternative education and literature and comprehensive health care services to poverty-stricken communities.
  4. To build and encourage women and youth employment; enterprises scheme and inter-cultural mutual bond communications that build peace and harmony between communities.
  5. To partner with local, national, regional, international charities, institutions, foundations, individuals, donors and UN agencies to achieve holistic transformation in sharing skills and knowledge pertaining to community welfare and development.

Core Programmes

Program Area 1: Girls Mentorship Programmes

The program targets academically motivated girls who are orphaned or otherwise vulnerable, including those from economically disadvantaged families, who are physically disabled, and/or who are adversely affected by HIV/AIDS. This is done in accordance to the Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that every child has the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and the right to a standard of living adequate for the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development.

Program Area 2: Education & Vocational Training

This program, among others, addresses the need for nursery, primary and secondary education, it gives special focus to girl-child and acutely vulnerable children through sponsorships. It promotes multiple trainings to community leaders to increase leadership skills, management, community development and entrepreneurship that create self-sufficient and assets for women, girls and youth groups. We equip young women with handy technical skills through vocational training, especially for women beyond school-age who were not able to obtain meaningful education due to poverty, cultural practices and other life circumstances.

Program Area 3: Food Security and Livelihoods

Several areas in Migori County are considered to be food insecure, due to adverse weather patterns and poor soil type. The adverse weather limits the community to animal rearing and this limits their engagement in crop production.

In a drive to improve food security and livelihoods, HDI has embarked on fostering behavioral change amongst populations and training of farmers towards better agricultural practices. Farmers’ trainings emphasize better practices.

Program Area 4: Economic Empowerment

This service aims at enhancing employment creation, income generational and the general livelihood of women. Activities that reflect this service includes; Microfinance, skills building for women and income generating activities.

Women are encouraged to get involved in microfinance activities, with the majority engaged in small scale businesses.

Program Area 5: Health Care

We educate women and girls on sexual reproductive health, pregnancy, and HIV/AIDS, and offer information on related topics.


Building a Better Future

We provide services for children and young people whose families need support, who can’t live with their birth families, who are are disabled, and who are the most in need.

donation of $500 covers school fees for one girl for one school year.

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Donation Total: $100

Hitaji Development Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered under IRS Code 501.

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